Teaching language | Chinese |
Degree | Doctoral degree |
Duration | 2 years |
Start date | Sep&Mar |
Tuition fee | CNY25000/Y |
Application fee | 600 (RMB) / 100 (USD) |
1.Undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs High school graduates can apply undergraduate programs; bachelors can apply master’s programs; masters can apply doctoral programs. Most of the courses of the bachelor program are taught in Chinese, so undergraduate students should learn Chinese first. We offer mandarin training. Some programs offer English-teaching courses 2. Non-degree programs Research scholar should have master’s degree; general advanced students should have undergone a two-year college study; senior advanced students should have bachelor degree. Anyone interested in Chinese culture and history can apply for short-term programs.
>Step 1 Submit Application Documents: prepare necessary documents and upload in SAWICH. >Step 2 Pay Application Fee: Application Fee can be paid online or ask your customer service executive for guidance. >Step 4 Qualification Verification:SAWICH cuܰɫࢸงɵࣛݩɿࣽކʈटຬޣʒूʜ।༛ߜʥআདྷ߹ʯྉࠕʹো࿁࠲˂৭ࡏˌਐု˖ਲၦ࢈˟႞ࢥ˩ვࣂ˳ઙᄌࣟ˼ᅃࣻ̆ᅻघ̐ᆲव̙ଢᇩ॒̣ሠ८̭୧ቘঋ̶உন̀͊ዽৡ͓௰ጵ৾͝ఓ፬ਛͧవᎣਸͰᏚͺ౺ᐑੱ΄ಜᑉಾᒀફΗೡᒷેΡഃᓮΪഥᔦଁδൈᕝଞξ൪ᖔχඌᗋୗϑදᘃ୴ϛෑᘺஐϤෳᙱϮถᚨொϸุᛠ௧Ё๛ఃЋᝎఠЕຟចఽПໂួౚШ៴в༆ᠫಓм༩ᡢರхཋᢚ್яᣑ೩љྐᤈആѢྲണѬ࿔ീѶ൜ѿမ᧥൹҉ျඖғၞᩓඳҜႀාҦႢ᫂෬ҰჅฉҹყᬰฦӃᄉ᭨โӍᄬᮟӖᅎᯖӠᅰᰍນӪᆓ᱅ີӳᆵᱼ໒ӽᇗᲳԇᇺᳪ༌Ԑሜᴢ༨ԚሾᵙཅԤቡᶐརԭኃ᷇ཾԷእ᷿ྛՁወḶྸՊዪṭ࿕ՔጌẤ՞ጯỜဎէፑἓါձ፳Ὂ၈ջ᎖ᾁၤքᎸᾹႁ֎Ꮫ႞֘ᏽ‧Ⴛ֢ᐟ⁞თ֫ᑂₕჴֵᑤᄑֿᒆ℄ᄮᒩ℻ᅊגᓋⅲᅧלᓭ↪ᆄץᔐ⇡ᆡׯᔲ∘ᆽᕔ≏ᇚᕷ⊇ᇷ،ᖙ⊾ሔؖᖻ⋵ሰ؟ᗞ⌬ቍةᘀ⍤ቪسᘢ⎛ኇؼᙅ⏒ኣنᙧ␉ዀِᚉ⑁ዝٙᚬ⑸ዺ٣ᛎ⒯٭ᛰⓦጳٶᜓ┞ፐڀ᜵╕፬ڊ▌ᎉړ◃Ꭶڝវ◻Ꮓڧើ☲Ꮯڰ១♩ᏼں᠃⚠ᐙۄᠥ⛗ᐶۍᡈ✏ᑒۗᡪ❆ᑯۡᢌ❽ᒌ۪➴ᒩ۴ᣑ⟬ᓅ۾ᣳ⠣ᓢ܇ᤖ⡚ᓿܑᤸ⢑ᔜܛᥚ⣉ᔸܤ⤀ᕕܮᦟ⤷ᕲܸᧂ⥮ᖏ݂᧤⦦ᖫᨆ⧝ᗈݕᨩ⨔ᗥݟᩋ⩋ᘂݨᩭ⪃ᘞݲ᪐⪺ᘻݼ᪲⫱ᙘޅ⬨ᙵޏ⭠ᚑޙᬙ⮗ᚮޢᬻ⯎ᛋެ᭞Ⰵᛨᮀⰽᜄᮢⱴᜡ߉ᯅⲫߓᯧⳢߜᰉⴙߦᰬⵑប߰ᱎⶈឱ߹ᱰ៍ࠃᲓⷶࠍᲵ⸮᠇᳗ࠖᠤࠠᳺ⺜ᡀࠪᴜ⻓ᡝ࠳ᴾ⼋࠽ᵡ⽂ᢗࡇᶃ⽹ᢳࡐᶥ⾰ᣐ࡚᷈ᣭࡤᷪ〟ᤊḌざᤦࡷḯろࢁṑ